
Walking Around Edogawabashi 江戸川橋


The area around Edogawabashi Station is full of restaurants, supermarkets, and shopping streets. It’s surprisingly comfortable to live in, and many people say, “Once you live, you can’t leave.” The situation at that time is introduced on the YouTube channel.

Edogawabashi 1
Edogawabashi 2
Edogawabashi 3
Edogawabashi 4
Edogawabashi 5
Edogawabashi 6
Edogawabashi 7
YouTube – Walking Around Edogawabashi




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A man who travels to Tokyo while living in Tokyo. 東京に住みながら東京を旅する男性です。

Tokyo Adventure Life

This blog introduces everyday life in Tokyo while taking a walk or driving. このブログは、東京の日常を散歩やドライブしながら紹介しています。