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Walking Around Yoyogi-Uehara 代々木上原

Yoyogi-Uehara has many fashionable restaurants and general stores, giving the image of a city where …

Walking Around Kami-Nakazato 上中里

Kami-Nakazato Station is a station located in a quiet residential area with a lush greenery and a ca …

Tokyo Night Drive 1 東京ナイトドライブ1 

I drove through Tokyo at night. I started Odaiba, looked up at Tokyo Tower, passed the shopping stre …

Walking Around Shibuya – Night 渋谷

Shibuya is a city that transmits trendy fashion and life culture, and has attracted a lot of adorati …

Walking Around Shin-Otsuka 新大塚

There are many privately owned shops around Shin-Otsuka Station. The residential area spreads out im …


A man who travels to Tokyo while living in Tokyo. 東京に住みながら東京を旅する男性です。

Tokyo Adventure Life

This blog introduces everyday life in Tokyo while taking a walk or driving. このブログは、東京の日常を散歩やドライブしながら紹介しています。