
Walking Around Nippori 日暮里


Nippori has prospered as a textile town since ancient times. Not to mention wholesalers, there are many old-fashioned restaurants and original shops. A short distance from the station, there is Yanaka Cemetery where Yoshinobu Tokugawa and Eiichi Shibusawa sleep, and it is a land where various cultures and history coexist. The situation at that time is introduced on the YouTube channel.

Nippori 1
Nippori 2
Nippori 3
Nippori 4
Nippori 5
Nippori 6
Nippori 7
Nippori 8
Nippori 9
Nippori 10
YouTube – Walking Around Nippori




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A man who travels to Tokyo while living in Tokyo. 東京に住みながら東京を旅する男性です。

Tokyo Adventure Life

This blog introduces everyday life in Tokyo while taking a walk or driving. このブログは、東京の日常を散歩やドライブしながら紹介しています。