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Walking Around Koenji 高円寺

Koenji retains the old-fashioned cityscape, and the shopping district is also full of energy. Not on …

Walking Around Tateishi 立石

Tateishi is the location of the Katsushika Ward Office and is the administrative center of Katsushik …

Walking Around Jiyugaoka 自由が丘

Jiyugaoka is an area that was merely a rural village in the suburbs, but it has developed rapidly si …

Walking Around Hatsudai 初台

Hatsudai is a town behind the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building, a 15-minute walk from Shinjuku …

Walking Around Harajyuku 原宿

Harajuku is known as one of Tokyo’s leading fashion and fashion destinations. There are also m …


A man who travels to Tokyo while living in Tokyo. 東京に住みながら東京を旅する男性です。

Tokyo Adventure Life

This blog introduces everyday life in Tokyo while taking a walk or driving. このブログは、東京の日常を散歩やドライブしながら紹介しています。