「 投稿者アーカイブ:kyky 」 一覧

Walking Around Tokyo Skytree 東京スカイツリー

2020/10/05   -Walking

Tokyo Skytree is a radio tower (transmission station) and is a symbol of Tobu Railway and Tobu Group …

Tokyo Night Drive 4 東京ナイトドライブ4

2020/10/04   -Drive

The name “Tokyo Gate Bridge” was given from the open call for participants. It is also c …

Walking Around Jiyugaoka 自由が丘

2020/10/03   -Walking

Jiyugaoka is located in the southern part of Meguro Ward. Although it is a local commercial base, ma …

Walking Around Shinjuku – Night 新宿

2020/10/01   -Walking

Shinjuku Station is said to be used by about 3.6 million people a day, and the number has been certi …

Walking Around Jimbocho 神保町

2020/09/30   -Walking

Jimbocho is one of the largest bookstores in the world where book-related events such as the Secondh …

Walking Around Daikanyama 代官山

2020/09/28   -Walking

In Daikanyama, there are many small select shops, and there are many deli and cafes where you can en …

Walking Around Shin-Nihombashi 新日本橋

2020/09/26   -Walking

Around Shin-Nihombashi Station, there are commercial facilities “COREDO Muromachi” in a …

Walking Around Yanaka 谷中

2020/09/25   -Walking

Yanaka is an area where the remnants of the Showa era remain particularly strong in downtown Tokyo. …

Walking Around Suidobashi 水道橋

2020/09/23   -Walking

At Suidobashi, there is the “Tokyo Dome” where many fans gather as a sacred place for ba …

Walking Around Roppongi 六本木

2020/09/22   -Walking

During the bubble economy period from the latter half of the 1980s, Roppongi was booming as it becam …


A man who travels to Tokyo while living in Tokyo. 東京に住みながら東京を旅する男性です。

Tokyo Adventure Life

This blog introduces everyday life in Tokyo while taking a walk or driving. このブログは、東京の日常を散歩やドライブしながら紹介しています。