
Walking Around Tachiaigawa 立会川


The area around Tachiaigawa Station is known as a place closely related to Ryoma Sakamoto. A bronze statue of Ryoma stands at Kitahamakawa Children’s Amusement Park. Originally, there was the Sameshu hugging mansion of the Tosa domain around here, and the Hamakawa battery was built on the premises. Ryoma Sakamoto is also said to have defended here. The situation at that time is introduced on the YouTube channel.

Tachiaigawa 1
Tachiaigawa 2
Tachiaigawa 3
Tachiaigawa 4
Tachiaigawa 5
Tachiaigawa 6
Tachiaigawa 7
Tachiaigawa 8
Tachiaigawa 9
Tachiaigawa 10
YouTube – Walking Around Tachiaigawa




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A man who travels to Tokyo while living in Tokyo. 東京に住みながら東京を旅する男性です。

Tokyo Adventure Life

This blog introduces everyday life in Tokyo while taking a walk or driving. このブログは、東京の日常を散歩やドライブしながら紹介しています。