「 投稿者アーカイブ:kyky 」 一覧

Walking Around Sumiyoshi 住吉

2021/03/31   -Walking

Condominiums line up along the river around Sumiyoshi Station, and a short distance from the station …

Walking Around Roppongi 六本木

2021/03/29   -Walking

The garden area of Tokyo Midtown is decorated with flowers of the four seasons and heals the eyes an …

Walking Around Nakameguro 中目黒

2021/03/27   -Walking

Nakameguro is a city that mixes various attractions such as fashionable restaurants and boutiques, o …

Walking Around Tatsumi 辰巳

2021/03/25   -Walking

There are “Tatsuminomori Ryokudo Park” and “Tatsuminomori Seaside Park”. You …

Walking Around Kudanshita 九段下

2021/03/23   -Walking

Not only are there many offices around Kudanshita Station, but it is also a tourist area where you c …

Walking Around Ikebukuro 池袋

2021/03/21   -Walking

Ikebukuro Station is a huge terminal that boasts the second largest number of users in JR East and t …

Walking Around Omori 大森

2021/03/19   -Walking

JR Omori Station is known as a station with a large number of passengers even though there are no tr …

Walking Around Shin-Okubo 新大久保

2021/03/17   -Walking

In Shin-Okubo, the downtown area and the student area are fused in an interesting way. While love ho …

Walking Around Oimachi 大井町

2021/03/15   -Walking

The area around Oimachi Station is a mixture of retro standing bars, commercial facilities, and fash …

Walking Around Shinjuku 新宿

2021/03/13   -Walking

The biggest feature of Shinjuku is that it has Shinjuku Station, which boasts the largest number of …


A man who travels to Tokyo while living in Tokyo. 東京に住みながら東京を旅する男性です。

Tokyo Adventure Life

This blog introduces everyday life in Tokyo while taking a walk or driving. このブログは、東京の日常を散歩やドライブしながら紹介しています。